If you receive an email from Facebook requiring you to enable Facebook Protect or else lose access to your account…you’re not the only one who thought it was a big scam. Facebook is apparently rolling out this new security feature that is meant to protect accounts that have “the potential to reach a large audience”. […]
Personal Device and Online Security Guides
Congratulations on taking the initiative to secure yourself online and protect your identity and interested in obtaining more information about online security through our guides!
It’s a small but important step. I know too many people who don’t take online security and identity protection seriously – I know because I used to be one of them.
We don’t know the terrible repercussions of not caring until it’s too late. By that point your identity has been compromised or you’ve lost something from being hacked.
If you find yourself saying “I want to take better precautions online,” but you don’t quite know where to start, you’ve landed in the right place.
Here you will find a variety of security guides for your most important online accounts.
How to Create Unlimited Email Accounts: Gmail Tip 2025
Most people don’t realize that their one Gmail account gives them access to create unlimited email accounts and unlimited email addresses that can be used to take control of their email inbox. This Gmail hack tutorial will walk you step-by-step through how to create these infinite email addresses and what you can do with them! […]
Http vs Https | What Does it Mean? (and why you should care)
What’s the difference between “http” versus “https”? As it turns out, quite a lot. Although to some people it looks like nothing more than an added “s” to a meaningless URL, the truth is that for those who care about being secure and safe while browsing the internet, the “s” in “https” carries plenty of […]
iOS vs Android | Which has Better SECURITY & PRIVACY in 2024?
The debate between iOS vs Android security has been going on for some time now, and I can’t really see it coming to an end soon. While both have their own advantages, which device comes on top when it comes to security and privacy? In this video, my friend Pete Matheson and I will walk […]
What is Apple Lockdown Mode? (+ its benefits and drawbacks)
Apple has announced a major upgrade to its security settings with this new feature called Lockdown Mode. This optional feature is said to provide a higher level of security for users who activate it. But what exactly does it do? Are there any drawbacks to using it? Here’s what you need to know. For years, […]
10 Simple Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online
Have you ever wondered what information about you is available online? A quick Google search of your name and hometown may reveal more data than you’d want. It’s time you start protecting your online privacy! But now how to protect your privacy online? In the age of information, personal data has become a valuable commodity, […]