A one-time use credit card is a credit card number that can be used once and only for a limited time. It’s commonly used as an alternative to traditional credit cards when making online payments. It provides better financial security and privacy for users. A select number of banks offer this kind of credit card, […]
How to Setup a VPN for Chromebook in 2024 (4 Methods)
If you’re hoping to install a VPN on your Chromebook, whether it’s your personal computer or a school Chromebook, this tutorial is going to walk you step-by-step through four different methods to make sure you can find one that works for you. There are a number of good reasons why you might want to install […]
5 WiFi Router Settings to Change | Home Network Security in 2024
Home network security should be a high priority, but for most of us…it’s not. Usually, that’s just because we don’t know what needs to be done. To help you out, here are 5 simple home WiFi security tips you can start following today to increase your network security in about 15 minutes or less. As […]
Samsung Pass Review | Why You Should (& Shouldn’t) Use It 2024
If you own a Samsung phone, you’re already aware of the Samsung Pass feature. However, just because a feature exists doesn’t mean you should use it. Here’s what you need to know about the pros and cons in this Samsung Pass review. While it’s not fair to call Samsung Pass a password manager per se, […]
What is Proton Sentinel (and should you use it?)
In August 2023, Proton announced an enhanced account security feature known as “Proton Sentinel”. But if your data is already encrypted and our account protected by 2-factor authentication, what kind of security does Sentinel add? I’ve noticed two primary benefits that we’ll discuss here, as well as answer the question of whether or not YOU […]
1Password Review 2024 | My Thoughts After 2+ Years
Back in 2018, after having both my bank account and email hacked, I started using 1Password to not only manage my passwords, but also to help me create better passwords. I’ve been using the software every since, and in this 1Password review, I’ll show you how I use the software and why I eventually chose […]